This can be divided into 4 parts.
Part 1 - The global economic hardship:
- Our planet has 8 billion humans with amazing potential for great things, yet more than 2 billion are struggling with unemployment or underemployment. The world is saddled with 300 trillion dollar of debt. Inflation and Poverty is running rampant.
Part 2 - Economic Democracy in a nutshell:
- Economic Democracy means good job is a right, not a privilege.
- Economic Democracy can eliminate worldwide unemployment and poverty in less than 1 year.
- It requires two key elements: Technology for Digital Currency, which we already have and Public Support and Demand, for which I am here.
Part 3 - Juicy details:
- Economic Democracy is achieved by starting cooperatives in each country, with one time funding, which will be repaid in 5 years.
- Such Cooperatives are mandated to hire everyone looking for a job, provide job oriented training, healthcare benefits, and at least minimum fair living wage, plus surplus income based on productivity
- All taxes are replaced with a single sales tax, which Government uses to fund itself, repay original investment and social safety nets.
- All income has to be spent in 3 months, enabled via digital currency, with small permitted savings.
Part 4 - Summary
- This creates self sustaining economic cycle and capital rotation enabled by digital currency.
- Government does not have to keep printing money, and inflation comes to an end.
- Everyone has good permanent jobs, and unemployment is eliminated.
- Innovation and automation are welcome, which reduces the work week, instead of creating unemployment.